First Monday

First Monday News

Dear First Monday readers,

This is the last issue of First Monday for 1999 (volume 4). We hope you have enjoyed the papers we have published over the course of the past three and a half years. We are looking forward to publishing many interesting and exciting papers in 2000, for you, our dedicated readers.

In 1999, First Monday experienced many changes, though you probably noticed only one: the change of FM's address from to Behind this change was a change in ownership: First Monday was sold in January, 1999 by Munksgaard International Publishers of Copenhagen to a consortium of three of First Monday's editors: Esther Dyson, Rishab Ghosh and Edward Valauskas.

As editors, we have focused on creating a high-quality journal with a good and diverse selection of papers that we and our editorial colleagues find interesting and enlightening. We have always focused on content, rather than commercially developing First Monday. Looking for good manuscripts means little time searching for sponsors or advertising.

First Monday will continue to remain free and completely open. However, there are costs we have to bear, and we hope you as readers will be able to contribute and support First Monday in some small way.

We are planning to release a CD-ROM containing a full archive of the first four years of First Monday (1996-1999). The contents of the disc will be in HTML so you will only need a computer, a compact disc drive and a Web browser to use it. This compact disc will be available to the public in May 2000, to coincide with 9th International World WIde Web Conference ( WWW9) in Amsterdam as well as First Monday's fourth birthday.

You, as a dedicated reader of First Monday, can order in advance copies of the archive CD-ROM at a reduced price: $10 for individuals, or $100 for institutional purchases. Please send a message by e-mail to indicating your interest in a First Monday CD. All advance orders must be received by May 6, 2000 in order to qualify for these prices. After May 6, 2000 (First Monday's birthday), the disc will cost $20 to individuals, $200 to institutions.

Please keep in mind that all revenues generated from the sale of this compact disc will be used to support First Monday and improve your access to it.

We know that many of you have been reading First Monday for years. We look forward to your continued support as well as suggestions. We always welcome ideas that will help us keep First Monday free and open to all.

Edward Valauskas, Chief Editor
Esther Dyson, Consulting Editor
Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Managing Editor

Contents Index

Copyright © 1999, First Monday

First Monday News
First Monday, volume 4, number 12 (December 1999),