First Monday

Volume 9, Number 9 — 6 September 2004

Asynchronous discussion groups as Small World and Scale Free Networks
by Gilad Ravid and Sheizaf Rafaeli

Lost in gallery space: A conceptual framework for analyzing the usability flaws of museum Web sites
by Paul F. Marty and Michael B. Twidale

Small ads as first steps to Internet business: A preliminary survey of Cameroon’s commercial Internet usage
by David Zeitlyn and Francine Barone

The economics of open source hijacking and the declining quality of digital information resources: A case for copyleft
by Andrea Ciffolilli

Cons in the panopticon: Anti–globalization and cyber–piracy
by Indhu Rajagopal with Nis Bojin

Is copyright necessary?
by Terrence A. Maxwell

Letters to the Editor


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