First Monday

Volume 5, Number 7 — July 3rd 2000

The CyberFrontier and America at the Turn of the 21st Century: Reopening Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier
by Jeffrey R. Cooper

The Orbiten Free Software Survey
by Rishab Aiyer Ghosh and Vipul Ved Prakash

Electronic Purses: (Which) Way to Go?
by Leo Van Hove

Software Agents take the Internet as a Shortcut to Enter Society: A Survey of New Actors to Study for Social Theory
by Dirk Nicolas Wagner

The Use of Focus Groups in the Design and Development of a National Labor Exchange System
by Brenda L. Killingsworth, Robert E. Schellenberger, and James W. Kleckley

Workforce Literacy in an Information Age: Policy Recommendations for Developing an Equitable High-Tech Skills Workforce
by Joseph Slowinski

Computer Architectures for Protection of Personal Informatic Property: Putting Pirates, Pigs, and Rapists in Perspective
by Steve Mann

Plato as Distance Education Pioneer: Status and Quality Threats of Internet Education
by Gary Klass

Letters to the Editor


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