Volume 5, Number 6 — June 5th 2000
Web-Wise: A Conference on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World
sponsored by the U.S. Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the University of Missouri-Columbia,
16-17 March 2000, Washington, D.C.The Digital Landscape: Where the Good Stuff Lives
The Digital Landscape: The Hawaiian Newspapers and War Records and Trust Territory Image Repository of the University of Hawaii
by James Cartwright, Martha Chantiny, Joan Hori, and Karen PeacockArtsConnectEd: Collaboration in the Integration and Access to Museum Resources
by Robin Dowden, Scott Sayre, and Steve DietzDigital Star Dust: The Hoagy Carmichael Collection at Indiana University
by Kristine R. Brancolini, Jon W. Dunn, and John A. WalshLinking Florida's Natural Heritage: Science & Citizenry
by Stephanie C. Haas and Priscilla CaplanPartnerships: Building Networked Infrastructures
Collaboration through the Colorado Digitization Project
by Nancy AllenDigital Workflow Management: The Lester S. Levy Digitized Collection of Sheet Music
by G. Sayeed Choudhury, Cynthia Requardt, Ichiro Fujinaga, Tim DiLauro, Elizabeth W. Brown, James W. Warner, and Brian HarringtonThe Plant Information Center
by Evelyn Daniel, Peter White, Jane Greenberg, and James MasseyDigitizing and Preserving Plant Images: Linking Plant Images and Databases for Public Access
by Connie Wolf and Douglas HollandThe Birth and Development of Find-It!:Washington State's Government Information Locator Service
by Nancy ZussyFriendly Users: Involving Users in Digital Libraries
Socially Grounded User Studies in Digital Library Development
by Ann Peterson Bishop, Bharat Mehra, Imani Bazzell, and Cynthia SmithChildren Shaping the Future of Digital Libraries
by Allison DruinATEEL (The Advanced Technology Environmental Education Library): Advancing Technician Program Resources into the New Millennium
by Ellen J. Kabat Lensch and Kay Kretschmar RungeINFOMINE: Promising Directions in Virtual Library Development
by Julie Mason, Steve Mitchell, Margaret Mooney, Lynne Reasoner, and Carlos RodriguezThis Old Web: Developing Standards for Digital Library Management, Interoperability, and Preservation
Interoperability and Standards in a Museum/Library Collaborative: The Colorado Digitization Project
by Liz BishoffOh What a Tangled Web We Weave: Opportunities and Challenges for Standards Development in the Digital Library Arena
by Priscilla CaplanDigital Image Managers: A Museum/University Collaboration
by S. K. HastingsPreserving Digital Assets: Cornell's Digital Image Collection Project
by Anne R. Kenney and Oya Y. Rieger
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