First Monday

Volume 10, Number 5 — 2 May 2005

Virtual dissection and physical collaboration
by Kenneth R. Fleischmann

Beyond markets and firms: The emergence of Open Source networks
by Federico Iannacci and Eve Mitleton–Kelly

MusicGrid: A case study in broadband video collaboration
by Hassan Masum, Martin Brooks, and John Spence

Interdoc: The first international non–governmental computer network
by Brian Martin Murphy

Evaluation of digital libraries using snowball sampling
by Elaine Peterson

WSIS: Whose vision of an information society?
by Ajit Pyati

Intrinsic vs. extrinsic incentives in profit–oriented firms supplying Open Source products and services
by Cristina Rossi and Andrea Bonaccorsi

De–unifying a digital library
by Arthur Sale

Multimedia that matters: Gallery–based technology and the museum visitor
by Scott Sayre

Book reviews


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