@misc{Radjaipour_Mahmoud_Cardiovascular,, author={Radjaipour, Mahmoud and Einsiedler, Kerstin and Brehme, Ute and Braun, Doris and Braun, Martin and Haselberger, Frank and Hagenmeyer, Lorenz and Berner, Oliver and Schmahl, Friedrich W.}, copyright={Radjaipour, Mahmoud}, copyright={Einsiedler, Kerstin}, copyright={Brehme, Ute}, copyright={Braun, Doris}, copyright={Braun, Martin}, copyright={Haselberger, Frank}, copyright={Hagenmeyer, Lorenz}, copyright={Berner, Oliver}, copyright={Schmahl, Friedrich W.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Instytut Medycyny Pracy w Łodzi im. prof. J. Nofera}, publisher={Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Pracy}, language={eng}, type={czasopismo - artykuł}, type={dokument piśmienniczy}, title={Cardiovascular, hormone, and lipid responses to stress induced by virtual crane handling}, }