@misc{Sawair_Faleh_A._Observance, author={Sawair, Faleh A. and Hassoneh, Yazan and Jamleh, Ahmed O. and Al-Rabab'ah, Mohammad}, copyright={Sawair, Faleh A.}, copyright={Hassoneh, Yazan}, copyright={Jamleh, Ahmed O.}, copyright={Al-Rabab'ah, Mohammad}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Instytut Medycyny Pracy w Łodzi im. prof. J. Nofera}, publisher={Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Pracy}, language={eng}, title={Observance of proper mercury hygiene practices by Jordanian general dental practitioners}, type={czasopismo - artykuł}, type={dokument piśmienniczy}, }