@misc{Rantanen_Jorma_Declaration, author={Rantanen, Jorma and Fengsheng, H. E. and Lemen, Richard A. and Izmerov, Nikolai F.}, copyright={Rantanen, Jorma}, copyright={Fengsheng, H. E.}, copyright={Lemen, Richard A.}, copyright={Izmerov, Nikolai F.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Instytut Medycyny Pracy w Łodzi im. prof. J. Nofera}, publisher={Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Pracy}, language={eng}, type={czasopismo - artykuł}, type={dokument piśmienniczy}, title={Declaration on occupational health for all. Approved at the Second Meeting of the WHO collaborating centres in occupational health, Beijing, China, 11-14 October 1994}, }